Friday, March 3, 2017

Day 3: lovely nature walk and Houston rush hour traffic!!

Houston rush hour
The day started out with a lovely walk in the Wildlife Reserve campground.  The fog over the lake was so thick that you couldn't see the other side.  Smoky looking steam was rising from the creek on the other side of the road, and the birds were singing.
The day ended up in rush hour traffic through the 4th largest city in the U.S.:  Houston.  We'll definitely plan the San Diego to Los Angeles (2nd largest city in the U.S.) leg of the trip better!!
We're staying at a funky RV campground in Columbus, TX near Interstate 10, and walked to Nancy's Steak House for dinner.
Day 3:  600 miles.


Lois K said...

Lots of miles Friday!!!

Globetrotter said...

Wow!!! Thats a lot of miles! so fun to see your pictures and i love the map showing how far you have gone each day! Such a wonderful adventure! Love it!