Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Day 25 Washington, PA to New Holland, PA

Back home again.  It's a beautiful, warm day to unload the things from the camper.  It's been a great trip.  We've driven 7335 miles on this trip.

Back home in New Holland.

Day 25:  Washington, PA to New Holland:  261 miles

Some pictures of our camper.  We have a tiny bathroom which I was very thankful for.

There's even a closet in the bathroom.  Very handy

Nice storage on either side of the bed and under the bed.

Here's where we ate most meals, wrote the blog nightly, and planned our next day.  The wires coming out of the wall are for a TV which we didn't have.  A good break for me especially!  The blog probably wouldn't have gotten done if there was one!

The kitchen has a 3/4 refrigerator, a pretty good size freezer and even an oven under the stove!

The camper tucked in for a few weeks till we decide where we're going next!

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