Friday, March 24, 2017

Day 23 St. Louis, MO to Louisville, KY to Frankfort, KY

Not sure what happened but this blog post was deleted, so I'm going to write it again.

We left St. Louis and drove to Louisville, my home town.  I got a kick out of going to the two houses that our family lived in.

Then we drove on to Frankfort to visit with my cousin Julie and her family.  Julie recommended an RV campground on the Elkhorn Creek about a 1/2 mile from her house.  It was beautiful there. Vernon and I took a walk along the creek and it reminded me of playing in the creeks when I was little.

It was so good to see Julie and Will and their 2 lovely daughters, Dorsey - in 8th grade who I had never met! And Lili who is going to the college that I graduated from in Lexington (Transylvania University).

Julie made us a delicious (Will grilled) dinner and we sat around the table and laughed a lot and caught up and reminisced about our mothers who were sisters.  And about lots of other family.
We must organize a reunion much, much sooner than the last one 17 years ago!!

The house that I grew up in from a toddler through elementary school.  I was so happy to see this wonderful oak tree still there.  I would sit in the yard with a nut in my hand and try to get a squirrel to come and get it.  It didn't work.

Here's the house that we lived in when I was in jr. high through high school.  I was happy to see that the neighborhoods still were in good shape -- probably better than when we lived there.

Dorsey, Lili, cousin Julie, Will and me

Julie is an interior designer and Will is a family court judge

Day 23:  St. Louis, MO to Frankfort, KY -- 334 miles
Tomorrow:  Frankfort, KY  to Williamsport, MD


Rosene Hurst said...

Ya-ay!! It's time for you to come home!! I'm tired of crying myself to sleep at night from missing you. Haha! Can't wait to see you soon! May God grant you continued safety as you travel home. Love you both, Jay & Rosene

Chiro Couple said...

Thanks -- see you soon!

Chiro Couple said...

Thanks -- see you soon!