Thursday, September 23, 2021

 Day 15  (Sept 22) New Paltz, NY and Day 16 (Sept. 23) --  Home!     

We had such a nice visit with my sister, Katy in New Paltz, NY.  We got to enjoy some little creatures around her house that are almost like her pets: a bunny, and a chipmunk we got to see a couple of times. A doe with 2 fawns down behind her cottage were a little shy so we didn't get to see them.

Katy's cooking for us was wonderful as usual.  Vernon got to help her with a couple of projects around the house.  

We were disappointed that we didn't get to go on our last planned stop before home due to the heavy rain and winds predicted.  We were going to visit my son, Joe and his wife, Kelsey in Piscataway, NJ.  Looking forward to rescheduling that!


Katy's kitchen/dining table with no top.  Vernon was sanding the tabletop in the garage.


Vernon's handiwork after sanding and then applying the pretty stain that Katy picked out.


Sitting at the table with no top.

Vernon screwing the tabletop back on.  This is after the first coat of water based polyurethane (hardly stinky at all!)  Too bad this picture doesn't show how beautiful it turned out!  Wish I had thought to take a "before" picture.          

I brought Katy some sourdough starter and taught her how to make sourdough bread.  Her first loaf (I helped some) turned out great!  

This was our 3rd lengthy trip in the camper since 2017.  Very enjoyable -- even considering it was more expensive and more time was spent planning our stays and activites in the New England states than in our 2 trips out west.

Mileage total:  2100 miles 
Length of time on the road:  2 weeks and 2 days
Amount of fun and fellowship:  Lots!





Laurie M said...

Very nice! Renie, thanks for sharing the details of your and Vernon’s journey. :)

Chiro Couple said...

Thanks Laurie! Love seeing your comments 🙂