Saturday, September 14, 2019

Day 12 A rest day in Shelby, MT

Not much to post today.  Laundry, cleaning the camper, nap.

Vernon's son, Don called Vernon and asked if we were anywhere near Shelby, MT.  Vernon said "We're staying at a campground in Shelby!"  Imagine the odds in a huge state like Montana.
Well, it turns out that Don enjoys the Welkers' YouTube videos about farming their 10,000 acres on the praire here near the town of Shelby.  

The farm was only 3 miles away from where we are staying!  So we had to drive out there!

One big combine to harvest spring wheat, winter wheat, yellow peas, and lentils on the Welkers' 100+ year old farm.

We saw 2 of these big combines.

Grain trailers on the left.  Big Bud tractor in the middle.  The disc and planter on the right.

                             The town of Shelby

Shelby, as it looks today.

Early days of the town of Shelby.  
Railway workers building the Great Northern railway in 1891 left a boxcar at the site, naming it Shelby Junction (for Peter P. Shelby, a general manager of the railroad).

Lots of trains come through the "Port of Shelby"  mostly commodities but also an occasional passenger train.

On a walking trail I saw "the little evergreen that could".  It's trying to survive some mighty winds that blow across this praire in winter and also the midwest drought this summer.

Tomorrow:  Traveling to Yellowstone Park!!


Rosene Hurst said...

Loving traveling with you! 🥰

Chiro Couple said...

Hi Rosene! -- glad to have you along! I'm surprised you could leave a comment. The blog is not letting most people leave comments.