Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Day 9 Driving in the rain from Rapid City, SD to Billings, Montana

One more day of driving to get to Glacier National Park!

Here is the updated map of our driving day mileage:

                            Egin, Illinois to Welcome, Montana:  427 miles

                            Welcome, Montana to Rapid City, South Dakota: 475 miles

                            Rapid City, South Dakota to Billing, Montana:  350 miles

There aren't any more interesting pictures today because we're 'camping' in a Walmart parking lot in Billings, Montana. We shopped for food here.  Walmarts always have organic fresh veggies and since we brought along all the frozen meat we need, we're set to make most all of our meals in the camper.  Tonight we had baked salmon, steamed broccoli and cauliflower, and leftover fried potatoes and onions -- not bad for cooking in a Walmart parking lot.  We're staying overnight here (after calling ahead and making sure they allow it).
We met a friendly, talkative Native American here in the parking lot named Jerry.  He's from the Crow tribe.  He's a Persian Gulf War veteran (Marine).  There are many native Americans around here.  We passed through the Northern Cheyenne reservation and the Crow reservation driving through Montana.  We also passed by the site of the Battle of the Little Big Horn.  (Where George Custer led 210 soldiers into a battle with the Sioux Indians and all 210 of Custer's men were killed - including Custer)

We'll head out early and make it to Glacier National Park hopefully by the early afternoon.

Good night all!

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