Sunday, April 9, 2023

Day 19 Easter service and a walk in downtown Charleston

Happy Easter!   This morning we visited a church nearby the campground in Charleston and waited in the hall during worship because it sounded like a rock concert -- it was so loud. The message was great though.  It cleared up this afternoon enough for us to drive into downtown Charleston and walk around.  It was around 12:30 and people were leaving a couple of the churches all dressed up in their Easter finery.  Vernon got a kick our of this sideways rocker bench.  He says he wants to make one!               


Beautiful streets, homes and gardens -- the homes were older than in Savannah.  We'll learn more about some of them when we go on a walking tour tomorrow.
How about this to greet you when you go in your front door?

We walked down what we now think was someone's private driveway (oops!) with several archways like these two along the length of the wall. Vernon thinks that the slits in the middle of each one was possibly for a rifle to shoot at the enemy.  ??
At the end of the driveway was a beautiful garden:    

Thomas Rose's House

Below are 2 pictures of the Thomas Rose house

If you zoom in on the window you can see a beautiful chandelier lit up.

The second level of the porch is just above the front door of the house.  They made use of the small amount of "in-town" space so beautifully!

The Heyward-Washington House

We wanted to take a tour of this home but they were closed on Easter Sunday.  No wonder we got a parking space right in front of it!  It has Washington in the name because President George Washington "was entertained in this house" in 1791.



  These wedding dresses were in a shop window just across the street from where we parked.


Rainbow Row (East Bay Street)

"Rainbow Row represents the longest cluster of intact Georgian row houses in the U.S."  The earliest structures along here were built by 1680!  Notice all the different pastel colors.

This house on Rainbow Row has a funny fish door knocker.  Vernon pointed out the rope molding around the door.


Driveway made of slate with brick in the middle.  To the right the sign says "Beyond this point by invitation only".  Very genteel!  We have a sign that says "No Tresspassing" next to our driveway in FL.

How many window boxes have you seen orchids in?
This orchid window boxes were along this alleyway.

Tomorrow:  walking tour in downtown Charleston


Esther Martin said...

I enjoyed all your pictures but loved Rainbow 🌈 Row!!

Lois K said...

Beautiful pictures of Charleston. Paul and Yvonne get back today from a week visit down there.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! A week in Charleston! Sounds great!

Anonymous said...

Yes, beautiful colorful street!