Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Day 8 Kissimee Prairie Preserve State Park

 After laundry and bills, we headed up to Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park.  "The preserve protects the largest remaining tract of Florida dry prairie, an ecosystem shaped by cycles of flooding and fire."

It's part of the Everglades headwaters, but it has been very dry for the last 18 months so the low lying areas that usually have water are dry, and the deep hole that some alligators go to, have more alligators than usual.                     

Here we are at the trail head of the only shaded trail in the park.  On a sunny, 90 degree day this is the one we walked:  The Hammock Trail.
Such a beautiful sky!

This is a very elegant looking young Live Oak tree before the branches start growing horizontally.  At maturity they are usually wider than they are tall!

This Live Oak toppled over probably many years ago.  Below are pictures of the base of the tree and the roots that pulled up the ground with it when it fell.

                                           The wild pigs root around and make piles of dirt

              This shows the inside of a decaying palm tree where critters like to hide.
                          This Zebra Swallowtail butterfly followed us along the path for a ways.
The palm tree in the middle of the picture towered above the other trees and we watched it for a while as it swayed just a little back and forth.  So beautiful!

                                            Prairie pictures:



 Some people like to wake up and hear the sound of the ocean surf and see the ocean from their room.  We like to see Brahma bulls out our side camper window.  As we were starting devotions this morning, I heard a "huff" snorting sound and we looked out and saw this! 

Cool fact about Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park:  it's "internationally recognized for its lack of light pollution.  The night sky above the prairie is inky black -- campers can spot the Milky Way without using telescopes or binoculars".                                                                                    




Esther Martin said...

It was actually a bull, was it on the loose? That would be alittle scary! Thanks for all the pictures and updates.

Esther Martin said...

You are about an hour from Coco Beach. Will you be going through Daytona beach , this is where Clair and I stayed on our honeymoon and got a motel with a kitchenette for $5 a night.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are having a good time.

Barb Miller said...

Sorry I didn't realize I needed to enter my name. The last post was me.

Anonymous said...

Hi Esther, no, it was behind a good fence!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that sounds like it would have been lovely. Too much traffic now. We're sticking to Central Florida 😊

Anonymous said...

Haha. I haven't figured out about how to post something with your name. ?
Yes, we are having a really nice, relaxing time.

Anonymous said...

The night sky there sounds lovely. - Mary Ann R

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary Ann! Yes, I imagine it's breathtaking but we left the park in time to get back to our campground before dark.