Thursday, March 30, 2023

Day 10 Drove to Bradenton!

So we got homesick, alright?  No, really -- this morning it was cool in the camper and when I got up this morning there is Vernon wrapped up in a blanket. I told  that him we should drive back to our house in Bradenton (2 hours away!) and get the robe I gave him for Christmas.  We didn't have anything else going today, so we made the drive straight west from here and picked up his robe and happened to end up at Mixon's Fruit Farms store a couple of miles away for an ice cream cone -- dipped in chocolate!    

Back at our little house in Bradenton -- just can't stay away!  After we went in the house for Vernon's robe we had to go down to take a look at the river a last time.  This is a selfie taken from there with the house and shed in the background.

This is the last season for Mixon's!!!!!  So sad!  But happily we found out today that they are going to have food trucks around, so we can still get the delicious orange/vanilla swirl ice cream.  See Vernon's vanilla dipped in chocolate in the lower left of the photo.  I had an orange/vanilla swirl dipped in chocolate.  Yummm!

The campground where we are staying is on the edge of the Brighton Seminole Indian Reservation.  These are a few of the totem poles along the road through the reservation.  It's about 56 square miles and around 566 people live there.          


Tomorrow morning we say goodbye to this lovely, quiet, private spot for a camper.  We loved seeing the 4 horses and the Brahma bull just a few feet away (behind the fence of course).  Last evening we got a much needed rain when we came back from our exploring.  Then after dark we heard the sound of horses galloping through the pasture in back of us.  It had cooled down considerably and with our windows open we could hear them galloping and snorting very close to the camper.  It would get quiet and then we'd hear them galloping past again.  They must have been feeling frisky in the cooler temperatures!

Tomorrow we head for a campground in Silver Springs, FL very near Ocala.



Esther Marin said...

Sorry to hear about Mixon's closing, we always liked Mixon's. Ocala is where they have good oranges and orange juice. That must be a special robe to drive 2 hours for it!! We just found out we are great grandparents again.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Keep 'em coming!
I've got 2 more grandchildren on the way and Vernon has 2 more greats on the way!
The drive to Bradenton was nice: lots of orange groves and cattle ranches.

Anonymous said...

The robe is very nice : soft and warm and long. I got them for a great price so I bought 2! One to keep in FL and one to bring home.

Anonymous said...

You are making me miss my camper! 😭 I told Jay we should find a spot to put a camper iand keep it there permanently.